Half Price New Year

When placing an order, you will be prompted to enter your discount / coupon code before you pay. If you have any problems with any coupons, please click here to contact us.

Discount / Coupon Code: newyear50
Offer Details: 50% off all purchases
Expiry Date: Sunday 10th January 2010

This coupon can be used on all of the following products and services:

  • wp-Member plugin licenses, extended support and all other plugin extras.

Free WordPress Membership Plugin

There are Free Premium WordPress Membership Plugin licenses (wp-Member), free Hosting, Premium SEO (worth $4199) and many more prizes in the MembershipUser.com $57,000 Prize Give Away.

To enter, all you need to do is visit MembershipUser.com. Every 10th visitor is a guaranteed winner and will be presented with a popup Prize Generator which will issue an instant prize. You can visit MembershipUser.com as often as you like to increase your chances of winning. No registration is required to enter the prize draw and there are no limits on how many prizes you can claim.

Click here to read more about the MembershipUser.com Fantastic $57,000 Web Development Prize Give Away.

Save 25 percent On every purchase

When placing an order, you will be prompted to enter your discount / coupon code before you pay. If you have any problems with any coupons, please click here to contact us.

Discount / Coupon Code: save25
Offer Details: 25% off all purchases
Expiry Date: 20th November 2009

This coupon can be used on all of the following products and services:

  • wp-Member Plugin, Standard Support, On Demand Support and Total Support

wp-Member Review

wordpress-membership-plugin-reviewWe are pleased to be able to present an external review of wp-Member for our users.

You can read the full review here.

Anyone else wishing to write a review should contact us by clicking here.

wp-Member Plugin in New Membership Blogging Book

seminar-mantra-uang2Late in 2008 we were interviewed by Aldian Prakoso who was writing a book about monetizing a membership site easily using wordpress.

We talked about the uses of membership systems, how wp-member works, why we use membership systems as a business model, how we manage content on large numbers of blogs and how we target and drive traffic to our sites.

Here’s a quick teaser for you:

Why do you choose membership site as your business model?

The need arose from having content that needed to be distributed to separate levels of members as well as the need for a management system that would integrate user subscriptions and content management. To create a membership site, you really need good unique content so that users will signup. We designed wp-Member so that it would be almost a bare bones system giving the user the flexibility to streamline and suit almost every user management as well as content distribution needs.
Almost every large site develops a need to manage their users and have multiple membership levels, both paid and free. Another advantage to our membership system is that you can distribute seperate posts and pages to each membership level. This allows sites to have their advert banners within free members posts and pages, while paying members get to see the advert free posts and pages.

The book “MantraUANG Dari WordPress Blog” is written in indonesian and is sceduled to be released on Feb 25th 2009 in Indonesia. The author, Aldian Prakoso is currently holding seminars during the leadup to the release of his book. You can find full details here.